Couples Counselling
A romantic relationship can be both wonderful and challenging, and as a couple you may be currently experiencing more of the challenges while missing or longing for deeper connection, communication, and intimacy.
You may be feeling like something is missing in your relationship. It might feel like you are no longer making time for one another or you struggle to understand each other. You may be feeling alone, even when you are together. You might feel more like roommates than a couple. It might feel like you are constantly arguing or fighting, and you are missing a sense of joy, playfulness, passion, comfort, and/or ease with one another.
As partners, we can get stuck in patterns that have us repeating the same arguments and leave us feeling disconnected from one another. Each of us brings our own “stuff” into a relationship, which includes previous relationships, childhood experiences, perceptions and beliefs about ourselves and the world, traumatic experiences, protective mechanisms, and our nervous systems (fight, flight, freeze, and shutdown responses). Over time, couples can begin to get caught in patterns of reacting, walking away, blaming, or giving up, and one or both of you might be left feeling hurt, angry, misunderstood, unloved, resentful, afraid, and/or abandoned.
Together, we can begin to understand the patterns and unpack the “stuff” that keeps you from building a deeper level of connection, communication, and intimacy. We can work together to help you both locate yourselves and each other in the midst of a “storm”, so you can meet each other with more kindness, compassion, and openness, to build greater safety, trust, and intimacy.